Singing Guide: Years & Years and Galantis

Singing Guide: Years & Years and Galantis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Years & Years or Galantis, you need to understand their unique vocal techniques and distinctive styles. Both bands are known for their upbeat, electronic dance music and catchy pop melodies.

Years & Years' lead singer, Olly Alexander, has a unique voice with a wide vocal range that he showcases in their songs. One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Olly is to practice using mixed voice, which he uses frequently in his songs. Mixed voice is a combination of chest voice and head voice, creating a smooth transition between the two vocal registers. You can learn more about mixed voice and how to develop it in this Singing Carrots' article on Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks.

Aside from their vocal techniques, Years & Years are famous for their high-energy performances. To learn how to sing like Olly, it's essential to focus on your breath support and breath control. These skills will help you sing for longer periods while keeping strong and consistent pitch. This Singing Carrots' article on breath support offers detailed instructions on how to develop your breath control.

Galantis is a Swedish electronic dance music duo known for their upbeat and catchy pop melodies. Their music is heavily influenced by the sound of 80s pop and rock, and they often incorporate unique sound effects, such as vocoders or auto-tune.

One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Galantis is by focusing on articulation and vocal resonance. Galantis' songs are full of catchy lyrics, where articulation plays a critical role in delivering a clear message. This Singing Carrots' article on articulation describes various exercises that can help you improve your diction.

Another essential aspect of singing like Galantis is developing your vocal resonance. Proper vocal resonance helps your voice sound fuller, louder, and richer, helping your voice to be heard clearly in a mix of instruments. This Singing Carrots' article on Resonance in Singing teaches you how to develop your vocal resonance.

Finally, both bands are known for their high-energy stage performances. To master their style, you have to learn how to move on stage while singing. Good posture is the key to good stage presence, and Singing Carrots' article on How Posture Affects Your Singing delivers practical advice on how to improve your posture.

In summary, to learn how to sing like Years & Years or Galantis, you need to focus on their unique vocal techniques, articulation, vocal resonance, breath control, and stage performance. Singing Carrots is an excellent resource for learning the fundamentals of singing, and we offer a wide range of singing exercises, courses, and singing tools to enhance your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.